Behind the scenes photography for fashion magazines

Behind the scenes photography shows what is usually hidden from curious public before the photos are displayed in any digital retouching portfolio. Such photos reveal all private secrets of models and fashion photographers, and things that are going on during these beauty photo sessions. They are highly appreciated and wanted among those people that are interested in fashion and all its brunches.
In this article we will cover the most captivating questions about this topic. To trigger your attention we will start with the brightest examples of photography behind the scenes and then we will explain what BTS photographer is and enumerate tips for catching the most successful scenes for future masterpieces.
The best examples of behind the scenes photography
We all are completely familiar with those flawless photos that we see everywhere: while we flip through Instagram, while we observe pictures in different fashion or theme-limited magazines. With the considerable rise in popularity of different social nets, we, even against our wish, see those untruthfully beautiful and too perfect photographs of pregnant women dressed in luxury evening outfits, totally happy couples revealing their feelings in amazing backdrops or just young girls posing like experienced models. Watching this beauty many people imagine and want to see the same flawless picture in reality. After several attempts they realize that it is impossible, but those wonderful photos everywhere still bother their minds.
We want to reveal one secret. Photos do not always show reality as it is, and in many cases they are a huge lie or just an attempt to show ordinary things in a better light. Definitely you will be amazed after discovering that every professional fashion model photoshoot is not always what it seems to be. For proving this idea we have prepared a collection of pictures that reveal the truth behind photography. After such photos you will be amazed how many secrets a fashion photo session may contain.
Firstly, we will present the most hair-raising samples of behind the scenes photography on which people are captured. Some of them will certainly shock you, because real scenes are not as attractive as they look in photography. Besides, mention that we are not talking about used Photoshop techniques and tricks.
These illustrations will show you how difficult it is to get a perfect picture even for a professional photographer. Very often they have to think thoroughly how to get the desirable effect using only improvised means.
1) Nature is your helping hand
Yes, even simple leaves can be quite helpful in terms of creating unusual photo effects. It adds special deepness to pictures. Some people consider it to be a professional effect achieved by the sophisticated Photoshop, but in reality that is a usual leaf.
2) Cute infants
We all have seen many photos of lovely kids that peacefully sleep in marvelous children`s beds or in other locations. Such pictures look like real masterpieces. Although every behind the scenes photographer knows that such images are quite hard to be captured. It is necessary to care not only about an infant, but also about all little details.
3) Lovely children
Kids are always very active. Thus, it is quite difficult to make them sit still and listen to all your instructions. For this photographers often need parents in order to keep attention of young models.
4) Like a sea
Usually such photos look as if they were captured on the sea surface. In combination with blue sky, it creates a really mesmerizing effect. It looks as if they merge and make a totally blue backdrop. However, in reality it looks not so romantic and beautiful. This trick is especially popular during wedding photo sessions for the ability of underlying deep feelings.
5) Using flowers
The algorithm of using this idea in varied photography scenes is identical with the first technique where leaves were chosen. The difference is that flowers enable to add different colors to final pictures. For its definite simplicity this secret occupies the important place in behind the scenes tips. It should be also mentioned that in most cases this idea is chosen for fashion portrait photography.
6) Like a mermaid
This idea is popular when it comes to photo sessions with pregnant women. Usually photographers capture such pictures from above. A model is asked to pose lying in shallow water. Depending on wishes the water surface may be decorated with water lilies or just flowers. The result is also bright and worth all efforts.
7) Wow, it`s raining
Really this example is one of the brightest. A lot of people consider that a photographer becomes a real professional only when he/she is able to capture rain in photos. However, in order to organize photo sessions during rainy weather, specialists need special equipment that will protect cameras from a rain. Usually, it is quite expensive. Thus, why not using this simple trick? You will need only one or several helpers to create artificial “rain”. So, add this trick to your collection of behind the scenes photography tips.
8) Flying magic
After admiring this photo, you might have a thought that the model forgot about all laws of gravitation. It looks like real magic and even better. However, in reality it is only a creative photographer`s idea and a little Photoshop trick. Every genius secret is always simple. So, use it for creating the best shooting scenes.
9) Underwater fairy-tale
Definitely this trick cannot be named as a simple one. For turning it into life you will need a professional team of photographers and divers. Additionally, you will require buying or rent expensive equipment for underwater photo sessions. But the most important thing is collaborating with an experienced model that is ready to overcome all difficulties. Because of such a sophisticated process, such photography behind the scenes is organized for commercial purposes.
10) High love story
After seeing this photo example, you will have only one question “How is it possible?”. Of course, we can hardly imagine a bride climbing somewhere in mountains. Still, it is so. However, the biggest part of responsibilities is shouldered by a photographer. Usually behind the scenes photographer requires special mountaineering equipment.
Still, the next photo is more shocking. Really, that is the highest level of trust and love.
11) Poor wedding photographers
Judging from modern photo retouching rates, photographing wedding ceremonies is the most difficult task. The next photo proves this suggestion. Really, the fantasy of wedding photographers is not limited. Thus, such funny photographers are worth to be paid well. Besides, such photography needs a complicated retouching. Only body retouch may take up to several hours. In terms of face improving, you can enrich your knowledge with Online photo editor makeup and hair - video tutorials.
12) Fly with me
This example of behind the scenes fashion shoot has much in common with one previously mentioned. The difference is that here the whole staging has been organized. As a result, a photo tells viewers a high-grade story.
These were samples of behind the scenes photography on which people are photographed. Still, only they can become main heroes of unusual images. Believe us even simple knick-knacks may create a mind-blowing result. The only things you need are your creativity and a little time.
13) Magic glass
With large pieces of ordinary mirrors you may achieve an effect of “a broken lake”. It looks rather creative and has a deep hidden sense. The same technique may be applied to other photo stories.
14) Small as big
That is a great sample of behind the scenes photo shoot for getting surreal effect. You can observe how a photographer uses miniature toy-door to create a totally realistic photo. In combination with artificially created mist, the result is unrivalled. Besides, if you interested in creating varied mist effect, read Smoke bomb for photography – Tips for amateur photographers.
15) Real cars?
This sample is almost the same with the previous one. Still, here an author is not only a photographer, but also a painter. Definitely, a talented person is gifted in every sphere.
16) Wild nature
It seems that a photographer has hidden power of communicating with a wild fox. Thus, this animal like a professional model poses in order to get a perfect shot. Really, this behind the scene photography is beyond any example. Still, that is a result of patience and unbelievable luck.
As practice shows, being a nature photographer is a fascinating profession. It guarantees the close contact with wild animal that are often curios to get in touch with humans.
17) Delicious food
The topic of how to photograph dishes occupies a separate place in bts photoshoot. The question how to make ordinary product look appealing, tasty and salivating is still open. Because of its actuality photographers continue creating new ways to organizing food photo sessions.
What is a BTS photographer?
Usually people are interested not only in photo samples, but also in working routine of behind the scenes photographer. Definitely, this occupation differs from a work of an ordinary photographer. The main idea is that such specialists have to organize their work within various dynamics. All the time they are surrounded by other talented photographers. Each one has a unique set of ideas and thoughts. And for every photographer it is necessary to find a special way of finding common ground.
Additionally, such photographers need to realize that their requirements are secondary to that of the main team. However, this does not shorten the amount of their responsibilities. Often they have to direct the photo shoot, organize making a behind the scenes photoshoot video. Among pluses we may claim that every bts photographer does not have to organize preparation for a photo session.
What does every bts photographer need to be able to do?
1. Work a backdrop for others
They have to be totally inconspicuous for the whole team. Only with this condition, he/she will be able to capture the real atmosphere of a photo session. It is expected that such people will document every little detail that is necessary for understanding the photo shooting process. Still, they often are not allowed to express their own opinions in terms of creative ideas. For many that becomes the main difficulty and obstacle.
2. Become a team player
You need to understand that this profession requires more than just documenting details of a photo session. In case of choosing this profession you may be asked to take care of many things, such as moving photo equipment, supporting members of a photo team. In order to feel comfortable in such working conditions, you will need to become a full-fledged team member. This way you will not have a controversial feeling of being directed by other photographers.
3. Do not be strict concerning photo composition
For many reasons it is important not to judge your work too strictly when it comes to final pictures. As real professionals many specialists in this field have a feeling of a right composition and a burning desire to make the best its variant. You will have to realize that even the best view from behind cannot be estimated depending on the characteristics of ordinary photography. Just think that every picture of this kind will contain huge mountains of different wires, running team members and other things that “spoils” the general impression.
4. Become ready for everything
This profession involves cooperating with a large number of people. that means having a minimal control of people`s actions around you. Thus, you should be able to capture satisfactory photos within a small timeframe. From the other side, such situations with high pressure teach you to act confidently in every situation.
5. Be a part of one family
With this profession you will always have a special sense of being a part of community. Just imagine that during large-scale photo sessions, in one room may work up to 40 people. Definitely you will have with whom to communicate.
How to catch the best shooting scenes?
Sure thing, there are many tips about capturing the best shooting scenes. Unfortunately, there is one common misconception. Many people tend to think that set photographer jobs are in the list of simple occupations. Still, depending on set photographer job description, there are too many things that may go completely wrong and cause troubles. What ideas will be helpful to do this work in the most effective way?
1. Be invisible in right time
Do not try to be too invisible for a team you work with. Your main goal is not to overload people with your presence, because this fear will be totally visible in videos. When people understand that they are photographed very often their behavior becomes unnatural. Thus, you will have to walk close to them, but still there should be a distance between you for them not to perform for a camera.
From time to time you may certainly ask them to explain what they are doing. You may either do this in a form of a formal interview or pull them aside and accidentally ask necessary questions. By choosing the second way you will get a more natural reaction and answers.
2. Have ability to move fast
You should understand that everything is totally unpredictable. Nothing is planned out. You target is to get honest emotions and moments. Such things cannot be predicted. This organization contains one undeniable bonus. You will capture the most successful photography scenes in the moment when you least expect it.
3. Get B-Roll
It is difficult to mask different video and audio cuts. For this you will need B-Roll. Rather helpful will be to photograph varied things around you or just other specialists` backs.
4. Do not tend to be perfect
The most surprising thing about behind the scenes video production is that rough quality is a bonus only. But you should what type of “rough” is suitable. Firstly, it is definitely a bad idea to capture too dark photos. This way it will be hard to notice small details that are so important for such pictures. It is much better to have a special grain that does not prevent viewers from seeing what is going on.
5. Using DSLR
While making this type of videos DSLR is always the best choice. It enables to get stills of a high quality. For many photographers this bonus is completely important.
H3 6. Retouch even if it is not your responsibility
Very often it is difficult for other people to put lots of action photos together. Only you, as an author, will be able to organize this process in the most professional way.
Retouching is a process always contains a lot of hidden troubles. For this minus, it is better to trust this process to professional hands. Our team offers all kinds of contemporary retouching like skin retouching online.
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